How to use multiple WhatsApp accounts on one Phone..
WhatsApp,despite being the most popular messaging app doesn't allow multiple accounts unlike others messaging apps except you are using GBWhatsApp the apk mod. Unfortunately the apk mod, GBwhatsApp isn't available anymore. And most of the Android devices now come with a dual SIM features. Hence the need for this write up. In this article you will be guided on how to use multiple WhatsApp accounts. And there are two ways you can do that. The first method you can use to have multiple WhatsApp account on your phone is by following the simple steps below. STEP 1: Go on play store to download and install Dual Space app. STEP 2: Open the dual space app you just installed on your phone. STEP 3: Tap on the plus sign on the dual app and you see all the installed on your phone. STEP 4: Select the WhatsApp app on the list of app display. STEP 5: Then tap on Clone and there you go with another WhatsApp on your phone. STEP 6: Now Open the dual ...