How to get new MTN 9GB data plan for N2000 valid for 30 days.
You can now enjoy the new MTN data plan 9GB for N2000 valid for 30 days but only through MyMTN APP.
You can get this plan by following the steps below.
=> Load your MTN SIM CARD with N2000 airtime.
=> Open MyMTN APP on your phone or download it here if you don't have it.
=>then click on MEGA DEAL.
=>Crack the egg with 2 Bundle and you will see a message like this
"Get Double Data when you buy 4.5GB at N2000.You get 4.5GB + Extra 4.5GB data bonus. Data valid for 30days"
=> Accept and you will get 9GB of data
Let's know your thoughts at the comments section.
I just subscribed to the MTN N2000 for 9GB thanks